

Bonjour à tous : Henrianna in France

In a few days, I will find myself outside of my comfort zone.  Christmas Eve will find me in an airport en route to Paris, France.

I know it will be strange to find my feet on the ground at Charles de Gaulle on Christmas morning and not on the familiar Persian carpets at my family home.

It will be odd to know that I won't see the Virginia trails for at least 7 months, that I won't see my nieces and nephew.  Much will be different.

Isn't it interesting how in this realm of "firsts" I am so very aware of "lasts" as well?  Knitted into life are yarns of contrasting colors.  Black and white, firsts and lasts.

So reader, I hope you will join me for this new adventure.  There is sure to be excitement, photographs of food, snippets of life, and thoughts galore.  Give me your wisdom, your suggestions, your requests.

 À bientôt


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